How To Enable Free Personal Hotspot Tethering On An iDevice, No Jailbreak Required
It's possible to enable Personal Hotspot on an iDevice free of charge using this brand new method, which doesn't require a jailbreak.
It's possible to enable Personal Hotspot on an iDevice free of charge using this brand new method, which doesn't require a jailbreak.
Verizon customers will soon be able to use jailbreak tethering applications without having to pay extra fees.
Back in November, an application called "iTether" (which allowed users to share their iPhone's cellular data connection with a computer) was allowed into the App Store by mistake, and became available to purchase for $14.99. Apple removed the application almost straight away - the company offers its own official tethering software via Personal Hotspot, though this feature comes with an additional charge.
The personal hotspot feature IS NOT coming to a US new iPad near you soon. Here's why.
An application called "iTether," which allows users to tether their iPhone's data connection to a computer, has made it past Apple's approval team and is now available to download in the App Store for $14.99. Before we continue, it should be noted that Apple will likely remove this application from the App Store very soon, so if you're interested in purchasing iTether (despite carriers cracking down on unauthorized tethering), download it quick before Apple pulls the app!
The popular jailbreak application "MyWi" has recently received an update, which adds iOS 5 support and performance improvements. The app, which allowed users to tether via their iPhone long before iOS 4.3 did, is currently available to purchase in the Cydia Store for $19.99.
AT&T has recently announced two new modems, which allow users to hook up to the carrier's LTE 4G network.
A recently released jailbreak tweak allows SBSettings users to quickly toggle Personal Hotspot on and off with ease.
AirLocation works with Personal Hotspot to give your iPad GPS data. Is it a worthwhile investment?
"AirLocation" seeks to partner any Wi-Fi-only iPad with any newer iPhone for capable, big-screen GPS tracking.
Does the iPhone 4 Personal Hotspot feature give GPS capabilities to a Wi-Fi only iPad 2? Find out.
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We've told you all about Personal Hotspot, Apple's new Wi-Fi tethering option included in the upcoming iOS 4.3. It works great and is incredibly convenient. Unfortunately, depending on your carrier, it might come with a monthly fee, unless you get yourself TetherMe.
AT&T has announced it will offer a personal hotspot feature for its iPhone 4, effective with the iOS 4.3 release. This will give AT&T subscribers a service that has been available on the Verizon iPhone 4 since its release last month.
Along the Verizon iPhone, Apple is introducing with iOS 4.3 a new WiFi tethering mode known as personal hotspot. Quite simply, it will allow you to share your iPhone's data connection over WiFi with up to five devices as long as your carrier agrees to it. While we don't know yet whether AT&T will allow it, Verizon went forward last night and finally announced its pricing for the feature.