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physics-based games
Knocking Down Mice Is This Cat’s Meow

Knocking Down Mice Is This Cat’s Meow

Cat’s Revenge is a physics-based game that has you knocking down and capturing mice for the pure enjoyment of a cat. Ricochet cheese covered rocks off rubbery hot dogs to imprison poor, unsuspecting rodents who drive the cat crazy.

Lory Gil
Foozles Bounces Into The App Store, On Sale For A Limited Time

Foozles Bounces Into The App Store, On Sale For A Limited Time

Foozles is a physics-based puzzle game that will have you spinning in your seat, trying to help the fuzzy aliens reach a new galaxy in order to survive. Instead of tapping disappearing platforms, this game requires precise timing and lots of patience in order to make it through each level. The game is on sale for half off for a limited time.

Lory Gil