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The AppAdvice tech week in review: Apple takes a TV detour

December 13, 2015

Here’s a look back at a busy week in tech.

The biggest story of the week: No video streaming service from Apple?

Apple’s long-rumored Web-based TV streaming service is said to have been put on the back burner.

That’s according to Les Moonves, the CEO of CBS, one of Apple’s potential partners on the service. Speaking at the Business Insider Ignition conference, Moonves said that Apple has put its plans for the service “on hold.”

Moonves’ claim is corroborated by a new report by Bloomberg. “Apple Inc. has suspended plans to offer a live Internet-based television service,” the report says, “according to a person with knowledge of the matter.”

Apple is said to be working on a service that would offer a package of around 14 TV channels for $30 to $40 a month, much less than the $85 usually charged for a conventional pay-TV bundle. But according to Bloomberg’s source, it “has run into resistance from media companies that want more money for their programming.”

Other news:

Also making news: Still looking for the perfect gift?

AppAdvice continues celebrating the holiday season by publishing our series of annual gift guides, courtesy of Brent Dirks.

New this week:

Previously posted: 10 perfect accessory gift ideas for iPad ownersAppAdvice’s ultimate accessory gift guide for kids11 perfect accessory gift ideas for iPhone owners8 perfect accessory gift ideas for Apple Watch owners, and AppAdvice’s ultimate accessory gift guide for guys.

Big app news: Apple’s best

Apple announced its picks for the best apps and games of 2015.

Apple’s iOS app of the year went to Periscope. The best iOS game of the year went to Lara Croft GOWorkflow was labeled the App Store’s “most innovative” application of 2015.

For Apple’s complete list, click here.

AppAdvice will be announcing our picks for 2015 in the coming weeks. The best apps for the iPhone/iPod touch, iPad, Apple TV, and Apple Watch will be announced.

Other app news:

What will be happening in the week ahead? Visit AppAdvice to find out.

Mentioned apps

Twitter, Inc.
Lara Croft GO
Workflow: Powerful Automation Made Simple
DeskConnect, Inc.
Google Play Movies & TV
Google, Inc.
Magic: The Gathering - Puzzle Quest
Mafia Watch
Camera Noir
Vintage Noir

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