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Alexander Vaughn

Alexander Vaughn

Editor-in-chief/Sofa-chair enthusiast. Contact:
Latest from Alexander
AppAdvice Adopts UserVoice – Help Make Us Better

AppAdvice Adopts UserVoice – Help Make Us Better

AppAdvice is available in several different forms. Of course, there is our website, and also a very successful native app for the iPhone and iPad, not to mention our presence on many social networks. We're all very proud of these, and we know how much you like them as well. Yet, there is probably so much we could improve upon.

Alexander Vaughn
T-Mobile Air News Anti-iPhone Ad

T-Mobile Air News Anti-iPhone Ad

T-Mobile has been taking some jabs at the iPhone for a couple of months now with a series of ads somewhat inspired by Apple's now defunct "Get A Mac" campaign. It pits a young girl, against another young man who has to support a creepy old one, namely T-Mobile against the iPhone and its AT&T pal.

Alexander Vaughn
What Apple Can Learn From The HP TouchPad

What Apple Can Learn From The HP TouchPad

Moments ago, HP finally entered the tablet war with both feet by introducing the TouchPad, the first real offspring of HP's Palm acquisition. By curiosity, we've been following some of the liveblogs covering the event, and we had the pleasant surprise to hear about some interesting new ideas HP is bringing to the tablet table (the Palm brand has apparently been retired, RIP). I wouldn't be surprised for some of these to become standards, and who knows, make it to iOS. So come find out about them.

Alexander Vaughn
Google Launches iPhone Translating App

Google Launches iPhone Translating App

The App Store is filled with apps that allow you to you translate text from one language to another. They have various levels of complexity and sophistication, some are very basic text-only translators, some are more advanced like the incredible worldlense. Nevertheless, despite powering most of these apps, Google didn't have one of it own.

Alexander Vaughn
Video: The Awesome iPhone Controlled Mini Fridge Beer Cannon

Video: The Awesome iPhone Controlled Mini Fridge Beer Cannon

With the development of intelligent homes and automation, the day when you'll be able to pre-heat your oven from your iPhone is just around the corner. Yet, there is so much more that you can do by leveraging the power of connected home appliances. One guy came up with such a concept, and implemented it on his own.

Alexander Vaughn
Verizon iPhone Jailbroken Before Launch

Verizon iPhone Jailbroken Before Launch

The jailbreak community has gotten really fast over the years. It's not even much of a surprise anymore to hear about new devices getting freed in less than a day after release. This time around however, they're taking it even further.

Alexander Vaughn
iOS Goes To The Super Bowl - Check Out The Best Commercials

iOS Goes To The Super Bowl - Check Out The Best Commercials

The Super Bowl, for those of you not familiar with this landmark of American culture, is all about the ads. Major companies spend big bucks to get featured on what is one of the most massively watched TV sport events of the year. Technology companies take on a large share of the spot, and this year more than ever, our dear iDevices had a central role. For those of you who missed these, or want to see the spots again, here they are...

Alexander Vaughn