Apple Releases iOS 4.2.6 For Verizon iPhone Reviewers
While it won't be of much use for anyone at the moment, you'll be pleased to know that Apple has now released the iOS firmware that will power the new Verizon iPhone.
While it won't be of much use for anyone at the moment, you'll be pleased to know that Apple has now released the iOS firmware that will power the new Verizon iPhone.
Apple's recent decision to more strictly enforce the use of in-app purchasing just had its first victim. According to The New York Times, Apple has rejected Sony's eBook reading app from the App Store.
The 2011 edition of Macworld Expo closed its doors this weekend. Once again it brought an avalanche of cool accessories for iDevices. You might think it's not humanly possible to cover them all, but one guy did, our very own Tim Chaten (who you probably already know from his excellent AppGuides).
After a lot of trouble and a class action lawsuit, Apple is finally reconsidering its stance on liquid contact indicators (LCI). This is good news for all iDevice owners.
After rumors surrounding a possible SD slot, embedded cameras and NFC capabilities, this week's round of iPad 2 rumors is going back to the screen.
There's been a fair amount of debate lately on how full of spam Google has become. It's still the best, if not only, viable search engine at the moment, but lately some new competitors are starting to make waves; like Blekko.
Envy Windows Phone 7's live tiles home screen no more. It's been brought to the iOS jailbreak and just looks stunning. Check it out.
Following a short vacation, and many requests from our readers, we're glad to announce the return of AppFresh Daily. It's our daily update on the best apps that made their way to the App Store over the last 24 hours.
Google instant preview, the recently introduced feature that allows you to preview a website right in your Google search result page without having to load it, hasn't been much of a deal changer on the desktop. With Google now deploying it to the mobile space, it might soon start to make a lot more sense.
Just a few words to inform you that Apple has just released a new version of iTunes on the interwebs. Nothing particularly exciting about it besides the added support for the shortly upcoming CDMA version of the iPhone 4 on Verizon.
I'm by no means a fan of Nicky Minaj. She does however, have quite a following; including my better half. Therefore, we ought to tell you that the strangely dressed and odd-looking popular rap female singer got her own official iPhone app today.
Those of you that are "plugged-in" almost certainly have heard of Quora. It's a flourishing Q&A platform that has already gathered some of the best minds in the tech world. Unfortunately, while Quora already boasts a solid webapp, it still lacks a native client.
The iOS picture-sharing sensation Instagram got updated today and in case you haven't noticed yet, got an interesting new feature.
Rupert Murdoch's long rumored Daily iPad magazine prepared in collaboration with Apple just got an official launch date.
Along the Verizon iPhone, Apple is introducing with iOS 4.3 a new WiFi tethering mode known as personal hotspot. Quite simply, it will allow you to share your iPhone's data connection over WiFi with up to five devices as long as your carrier agrees to it. While we don't know yet whether AT&T will allow it, Verizon went forward last night and finally announced its pricing for the feature.
While iOS 4.3 hasn't been released yet, it seems that Apple is already allowing iOS 4.3 AirPlay-enabled apps into the App Store. The first of them, StreamToMe just made it to the store and allows users to stream video to an Apple TV.
After getting delayed multiple times, and having all sales listings for it erased last year, the white iPhone 4 seems to now be slowly making its way back to the web.
Following Verizon just a few days ago, Apple has now also taken its turn to promote the iPhone's new multi-carrier availability. The message is clear; it's just more of the exact same thing.
With the iPhone due to hit Verizon in the U.S. early next month, we're already beginning to witness the first signs of this new reality. Earlier today, Verizon began hyping the arrival of the device on its network with their first TV commercial.
We're hearing from Business Insider that AOL, that big company that used to send you CD spam and now pays bloggers to fight, is launching its own iPad magazine.
AT&T has had it pretty bad since last week. Now that Verizon will be carrying the iPhone, AT&T is going to have to actually care about their customers and shake things up to ensure that what used to be their only competitive advantage doesn't disappear.
Earlier today we reported that Playboy's Hugh Hefner announced, on Twitter, that the iPad will be getting an uncensored version of Playboy very soon. Well, I've got good and bad news for you.
Two months ago, Apple approved, then quickly pulled iDos, a full-blown DOS emulator for iOS. This amazing app allowed a user to transfer any DOS app they wanted to their iOS device and run it, including old school games.