This Is What Your Next iPhone Might Look Like
The rumor of an upcoming iPhone Nano is going stronger than ever, with bits of information on the reportedly upcoming device coming from every direction.
The rumor of an upcoming iPhone Nano is going stronger than ever, with bits of information on the reportedly upcoming device coming from every direction.
Good news for those of you who've been looking forward to properly jailbreaking your Apple TV. This weekend, the Chronic Dev Team updated its Greenp0ison tool with the ability to jailbreak second generation Apple TVs.
AppAdvice is available in several different forms. Of course, there is our website, and also a very successful native app for the iPhone and iPad, not to mention our presence on many social networks. We're all very proud of these, and we know how much you like them as well. Yet, there is probably so much we could improve upon.
T-Mobile has been taking some jabs at the iPhone for a couple of months now with a series of ads somewhat inspired by Apple's now defunct "Get A Mac" campaign. It pits a young girl, against another young man who has to support a creepy old one, namely T-Mobile against the iPhone and its AT&T pal.
Following a report from Bloomberg earlier this week, it's now The Wall Street Journal's turn to confirm the rumor of an upcoming second smaller iPhone.
The Verizon iPhone might have only gone on general sale yesterday, but one analytics company didn't wait to try to answer the question in everyone's mind; how well is it doing?
For those of you who haven't switched to the Verizon iPhone yet, or are perfectly happy with AT&T, there's a new promotion to make sure you stay that way.
It's definitely not as big and as old an Apple rumor as the Verizon iPhone was, but we've heard speculation about Apple releasing a second, smaller iPhone "nano," just like they did for the iPod.
As some eagle eyed users may have already noticed, Apple gave the iPhone App Store some aesthetic refinements today.
Moments ago, HP finally entered the tablet war with both feet by introducing the TouchPad, the first real offspring of HP's Palm acquisition. By curiosity, we've been following some of the liveblogs covering the event, and we had the pleasant surprise to hear about some interesting new ideas HP is bringing to the tablet table (the Palm brand has apparently been retired, RIP). I wouldn't be surprised for some of these to become standards, and who knows, make it to iOS. So come find out about them.
As you might have noticed, the very popular iOS Skype client got an update today, including some more or less interesting fixes.
Apple was very clear when the story about the iPhone 4's abnormally sensitive antenna came out this summer; it's an industry-wide problem, which can't be fixed.
Following a first round of pre-orders limited to Verizon customers last week, Apple has now released the Verizon iPhone for general pre-order.
Moments ago, the Wall Street Journal revealed that Apple has just begun the production of the next generation of iPads.
The App Store is filled with apps that allow you to you translate text from one language to another. They have various levels of complexity and sophistication, some are very basic text-only translators, some are more advanced like the incredible worldlense. Nevertheless, despite powering most of these apps, Google didn't have one of it own.
In honor of the 183rd birthday of science fiction author Jules Verne today, Google updated its front page with an interesting new doodle that will certainly please any iDevice owner.
With the development of intelligent homes and automation, the day when you'll be able to pre-heat your oven from your iPhone is just around the corner. Yet, there is so much more that you can do by leveraging the power of connected home appliances. One guy came up with such a concept, and implemented it on his own.
The jailbreak community has gotten really fast over the years. It's not even much of a surprise anymore to hear about new devices getting freed in less than a day after release. This time around however, they're taking it even further.
Surprise surprise! While taking the new Verizon iPhone 4 apart moments ago, iFixit unveiled that the mobile chipset included in the device is actually not only compatible with CDMA networks.
A few moments ago, the new special Valentine's version of Angry Birds seasons we told you so much about went live in the App Store.
Earlier today, AppAdvice passed an important milestone. According to our WordPress, which powers most of our site, we just passed the 10,000 posts milestone.
The Super Bowl, for those of you not familiar with this landmark of American culture, is all about the ads. Major companies spend big bucks to get featured on what is one of the most massively watched TV sport events of the year. Technology companies take on a large share of the spot, and this year more than ever, our dear iDevices had a central role. For those of you who missed these, or want to see the spots again, here they are...
If you spent the better part of your week ranting about the hype surrounding "The Daily" in our comments; we hope you don't have anything planned for tonight as you're on for some more.