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iPhone 4S
The iPhone Dev-Team Talks iPhone 4S Jailbreak

The iPhone Dev-Team Talks iPhone 4S Jailbreak

In a recent Twitter update, iPhone Dev-Team member @MuscleNerd has shared some information on the state of the iPhone 4S jailbreak. In short, the Dev-Team has been able to jailbreak the handset, but @MuscleNerd does note that this is a "very preliminary" solution, and that there is "lots of work left."

Joe White
If You're Scottish, Good Luck Trying To Get Siri To Understand You

If You're Scottish, Good Luck Trying To Get Siri To Understand You

Apple claims that Siri is compatible with English when spoken by native members of the UK, along with several other countries and languages. However, since the launch of iPhone 4S countless Scottish Apple fans have been reporting that talking to Siri is kind of like talking to somebody who is incredibly hard of hearing.

Joe White
An Internal Email Confirms Sprint's Slow Data Network Speeds?

An Internal Email Confirms Sprint's Slow Data Network Speeds?

Since the launch of the iPhone 4S, Sprint has been criticized for its seemingly slow cellular data network. Now, it would appear that the carrier has sent an internal email to employees, noting that Apple and Sprint are working on a "confirmed nationwide issue" that is affecting many iPhone 4S users.

Joe White
Siri Co-Founder Leaves Apple

Siri Co-Founder Leaves Apple

Dag Kittlaus, the co-founder and CEO of the company that created the Siri voice recognition service, is leaving Apple, according to All Things Digital. Kittlaus’ exit is said to be “amicable and has been planned for a while.”

Bryan M. Wolfe
Top AppAdvice News And Apps Of The Past Week

Top AppAdvice News And Apps Of The Past Week

This week, we heard that Steve Jobs' mark will be on future Apple products for years to come, despite his death earlier this month. In addition, the iPhone 4S continued to impress and will soon be available in 22 additional countries. These and other topics made news this week. Here are some of the best articles.

Bryan M. Wolfe
Remember The Milk Gets Support For Siri

Remember The Milk Gets Support For Siri

The popular task management service "Remember The Milk" has recently added support for Siri, meaning iPhone 4S users can create reminders for the service using the iPhone 4S handset's voice recognition feature.

Joe White
A Duet With Apple's Humble Personal Assistant

A Duet With Apple's Humble Personal Assistant

You might think it's not possible to duet with a virtual assistant, but one man - Jonathan Mann, who made it his personal challenge to write a new song every day - has been able to do just that. In a video that recently hit the Web, Mann duets with Siri, presenting the service with a variety of different questions and statements.

Joe White
Sprint Denies That Its iPhone Is The Slowest

Sprint Denies That Its iPhone Is The Slowest

A couple of days ago, we told you how Sprint's iPhone 4S appears to run slower than both the AT&T and Verizon handset. Now, amidst claims that iPhone 4S is crushing Sprint's network, the new iPhone carrier on the block has issued a statement in which it rejects the allegations made against its network.

Joe White