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steve jobs
Apple Posts ‘A Celebration of Steve’s Life'

Apple Posts ‘A Celebration of Steve’s Life'

Apple moments ago posted the entire video of the October 19 event celebrating Steve Jobs’ life. The 80-minute streaming video, filmed on the Cupertino, California Apple campus is available now via Safari 4 or 5 on Mac OS X Snow Leopard or Lion, Safari on iOS 3 or later, or via QuickTime 7 on Windows.

Bryan M. Wolfe
Steve Jobs' Biography Gets Its First Review

Steve Jobs' Biography Gets Its First Review

Over the past few days, extracts from Walter Isaacson's upcoming biography of Steve Jobs have been hitting the Web hard and fast. Now, The New York Times has published the first review of the book, titled "Steve Jobs." Unsurprisingly, the publication has noted that the 656 page "well-ordered, if not streamlined" text is definitely worth reading.

Joe White
The History Of The iPhone (Video)

The History Of The iPhone (Video)

The folks at CNET UK recently released an impressive video showing the history of the iPhone and dedicated to the memory of Steve Jobs. Nearly four minutes in length, the video shows that the road to the first iPhone in 2007 was a long one.

Bryan M. Wolfe
Steve Jobs Wanted Dropbox, Instead We Got iCloud

Steve Jobs Wanted Dropbox, Instead We Got iCloud

In December 2009, Steve Jobs summoned the founders of Dropbox, Drew Houston and Arash Ferdowsi, to the Apple Campus in Cupertino, California. Over tea, Jobs indicated that he saw Dropbox as a strategic asset that Apple wanted. Instead, we got iCloud, according to a new report first published by Forbes.

Bryan M. Wolfe
Top AppAdvice News And Apps Of The Past Week

Top AppAdvice News And Apps Of The Past Week

This week, the iPhone 4S arrived, leading to long lines of people looking to buy Apple's newest handset "4 Steve." Meanwhile, people can't get enough of Siri, the iPhone 4S's most exciting new feature. Here are some of the headlines from the past week.

Bryan M. Wolfe
TIME's Steve Jobs Issue Arrives - And It Is Amazing

TIME's Steve Jobs Issue Arrives - And It Is Amazing

TIME’s “Steve Jobs Issue” is now available at newsstands and through TIME’s iPad app. The $4.99 issue has five sections dedicated to the late Apple co-founder, include one by Jobs’ official biographer, Walter Isaacson. Each section is truly a great read.

Bryan M. Wolfe
AppAdvice Daily: Steve Jobs, A Tribute

AppAdvice Daily: Steve Jobs, A Tribute

On October 5, 2011, the world lost Steve Jobs. We here at AppAdvice, as well as millions around the globe are in mourning. This was one of the hardest shows we have ever had to put together. We will miss you Steve, but you will never be forgotten.

Robin Rhys
Buy Instapaper Now - In Steve's Memory

Buy Instapaper Now - In Steve's Memory

Marco Arment, the developer of the popular Instapaper app for the iPhone/iPod touch and iPad, has found a terrific way to remember Steve Jobs. The revenue generated from the universal app today will go to the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. Arment made the announcement via Twitter.

Bryan M. Wolfe