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iPad Apps for carpenters

Carpenters may in years to come learn to depend upon the iPad. The iPad is a great reference and measurement tool. This AppList will showcase some of the best carpenter apps for the iPad ...

Clinometer - level and slope finder

Clinometer - level and slope finder

by Peter Breitling

Clinometer is a very precise tool to allow you to figure out different slope measurements. The app will run on your iPhone or iPod touch as well. The app features a very simple full screen mode that allows for very easy access to the measurement reading. If you are a carpenter in need of a clinometer give this app a shot.

I.D. Wood

I.D. Wood

by Double Dog Studios

As a carpenter you probably need to know a lot about wood. If you are in need of a reference app about wood then this is the app to grab. The app features almost 160 different wood samples from raw cut and non finished woods. The app includes special names, botanical names, other names, wood origins, wood descriptions, woodworking properties, common uses, durability, sustainability, and Janka hardness. The app also includes a wood glossary, cutting technique illustrations, full text search tools, lumber info, and much more. If you are in need of a great reference app for wood then this app is a must have.

Ruler 2

Ruler 2

by Andrew Kaz & Phill Ryu

Ruler 2 is the essential ruler app for the iPad. The app includes conversions from metric to US standards. The app includes copy and paste for use in email or a calculator. The app includes a very good pointer to help you get the most accurate measurements. If you are in need of a ruler for your iPad then this is the app to get.

Multi Measures HD - The all-in-1 measuring toolkit

Multi Measures HD - The all-in-1 measuring toolkit

by SkyPaw Co. Ltd

If you need a very full featured measuring tool this app is a great option. The app features measuring tools of all sorts. These include a stopwatch, a timer, a protractor, and a ruler. The app can also measure surface level, and spirit level. The app also has a seismometer and plumb bob. The interface is absolutely beautiful. The app is just loaded with every imaginable measuring tool and a great option for those needing to measure.

LivingRoom for iPad - Floor Plans & Interior Design

LivingRoom for iPad - Floor Plans & Interior Design

by Planet Next

Living Room is an app designed from the ground up to help you do floor planning. As a carpenter you will often need to visualize how big something needs to be in a certain space. This app will help you visualize just how big your next desk should be. If you need to do any kind of floor planning this is the app to get.