Bloomberg: Sprint To Get The iPhone 5 Next Month
If you believe Bloomberg this morning, it's a done deal; Sprint will be getting the iPhone 5 in October.
If you believe Bloomberg this morning, it's a done deal; Sprint will be getting the iPhone 5 in October.
In case you missed the story, Apple lost another iPhone prototype. While this time around the prototype hasn't been leaked to the public, the whole thing is still a big mystery and we'll probably never learn what really happened. Nevertheless, Apple looks pretty ridiculous, and you can count on Conan O'Brien to pick up on it.
Good news if you use and enjoy Blogger, Google's hosted blogging platform. Just minutes ago, Google released an official iPhone client for the service.
Smule, the very popular developer of music apps such a Ocarina, I Am T-pain and Glee is back at it today with a new app to help you make music.
As we suspected, the Facebook app update we told you about last night did, unfortunately, more than just add features.
How does the current iPhone compare to the next one according to case makers?
Talk of Apple finally moving away from the 30 pin connector and moving to micro-USB has been going on for ages. Yet, for the first time since last summer, we're seeing some evidence that might suggest Apple will finally make the jump with the next iPhone.
It seems like Apple has decided to follow Forbes' advice, and has convinced Comex, the jailbreak virtuose behind jailbreakme.com, to go work for them.
Steve's departure last night has prompted a lot of people to tell us a bit about what it was like to work with Steve. As always, Steve is portrayed as an incredible leader, always involved in small details with that well known sense of perfection, but also with humor.
In what is without a doubt one of the saddest news of the history of humanity, Apple's founder Steven P. Jobs resigned from his position as Apple's CEO in a letter this Wednesday.
In a special promotion, Apple is now allowing users to an upcoming album free of charge right in iTunes.
Discussions around Apple making a "World Phone" iPhone that could take advantage of both GSM and CDMA networks predates the launch of the Verizon iPhone. Yet while both the Verizon iPhone and the iPad 2 already feature the necessary chipsets to make it happen, the iPhone 5 should be the first device to take advantage of the hardware feature.
With the forthcoming arrival of the iPhone 5, which once again is expected to improve on the franchise, it might be worth looking back once again at all the improvements Apple brought to the iPhone over the years.
After first reporting back in April that Apple will start production of the next iPhone this summer, for a launch in September, Reuters is back at it today with some details concerning the future of the current model.
As announced by Musclenerd this morning, the iPhone Dev-Team has updated Redsn0w, the iOS jailbreaking tool to support the latest iOS beta released on Friday.
We know that the iPad played a big role in the demise of HP and WebOS. Yet, we're starting to hear more details about what happened behind the scenes, and apparently, the iPad's technical superiority might have played just as big of a role as its incredible sales.
With iOS 5 (and Lion), Apple has made a big move towards making everything more "rounded" in its interfaces. Buttons, and switches have all rounded corners and it's not only in Apple's products, rounded corners are becoming an industry standard.
Following the dramatic events that affected Japan earlier this year, Apple has put together a wonderful new feature in the japanese version of iOS 5 that will show incredibly valuable for keeping people safe.
Did you know that charging stations can h4ck you?
We're not quite sure if this is a new feature, or just a temporary bug at the moment, but we're getting a lot of reports concerning a potential interesting little change in the iOS 5 App Store app.
Apple has "deprecated" third-party access to your Unique Device Identifier (UDID) in iOS 5.
Apple released today the sixth beta iteration of iOS 5 to registered developers of the iOS program.
After RIM and Microsoft, Apple has taken out another old technology giant this week, Hewlett-Packard.