Fact Or Myth: Killing Apps In The iOS Multitasking Bar Boosts Performance
The truth about iOS multitasking that most of us probably didn't know.
The truth about iOS multitasking that most of us probably didn't know.
Bugdom 2 developer, Brain Greenstone, talks to TouchArcade about the 60beat GamePad.
The new iOS 5.1 beta suggests that the next generation iPhone and iPad will have quad-core processors.
Due to many recent abusive comments, we have changed our commenting policy here at AppAdvice.
Everything is going digital, and now more colleges are striving to keep up with the App Store, too.
This iPad is dropped from over 100,000 feet — but does it make it?
The Apple event this month, in New York, will focus on iBooks and publishing.
The Steve Jobs action figure wasn't on sale for long before Apple decided to step in.
Last year, the Apple WWDC sold out almost instantly. If you want to make sure to get your tickets, you'll want to sign up for this alert service.
AppAdvice brought you AppStart for the iPad, and now we're thrilled to present AppStart for iPhone!
The 2011 Best App Ever Awards are here, courtesy of 148Apps — and now it's finally time to cast your votes!
Have Apple retail stores stopped focusing on strong customer service values? One genius, on his way out, thinks so and told Tim Cook how he felt.
The Vocal app lets you dictate text and even give your Mac commands. Connect to your computer to control applications, send commands, and dictate long documents.
Apple is said to be holding an event in New York at the end of this month, but what will it be about?
Not two weeks ago, the iMAME gaming emulator appeared in the App Store and was quickly removed. Now, the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator can be found on Chrome.
Desktoply is a site where you can post and share screenshots of your workspaces: desktops and home screens alike. Version 2.0 is here and it's full of features.
There are so many apps released throughout the year. Well, AppAdvice has created a list of our top 10 paid iPhone apps of 2011, just for you!
There are so many apps released throughout the year. Well, AppAdvice has created a list of our top 10 free iPhone apps of 2011, just for you!
Some new apps are popping up in the Android Marketplace claiming to be official Siri apps.
Through iTunes Match, you can access your music from all your devices via iCloud. Apple now explains exactly how iTunes Match works, with a dedicated section on their site.
The company behind the Infinity Blade franchise is working hard to add a social aspect to Infinity Blade II — "Clash Mobs."
This gaming controller is made specifically for iOS devices. What do you think of your iDevice being the next big gaming console?
Buffer is a great tool that has been available on the Web, and now has its own iPhone app to help you space out your social status updates.