The App Discovery Revolution Begins: Meet AppsGoneFree 2.0, With AppBump
AppsGoneFree 2.0 is almost here, and we want to introduce you to the best new feature: AppBump.
AppsGoneFree 2.0 is almost here, and we want to introduce you to the best new feature: AppBump.
Apple makes another change to Maps in iOS 6.
If you're looking for an iPhone card case, without the extra bulk, the Q Card Case may be just right.
This flow chart will help you decide which productivity apps are right for you.
Hands on with the PowerSkin battery case for the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S.
Be proactive about the Sparrow acquisition.
Say farewell to the idea of push notifications for Sparrow!
Are more people preferring Chrome for iOS over Safari?
Instead of posting more rumors today, we decided we'd post this.
Tweetbot for Mac is here ... and you can download it right now!
Need a simple snap case to protect the back of your iPad?
There is an art and a science to the home screen. Come take a look ...
Mother Nature had her way with Amazon's servers ... and us.
Let's face it: The official Facebook app for iOS sucks. Try this on for size instead!
Tapbots teases us with Tweetbot for Mac ... again.
These are the winners of the annual Apple Design Awards.
The Apple keynote at the World Wide Developers Conference is today! So, stick with us for full, live coverage.
AppAdvice will be covering the WWDC keynote live, so be sure to join us this Monday, June 11.
Attention developers: This is your big chance at ultimate app stardom!
It seems Facebook beat Twitter in the Instagram war.
AppAdvice is now hiring! Apply within!
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