Who's The Fastest Robot Builder In Your Family? Find Out With Robot City
Robot City brings a robot building frenzy to your iPad. The game is polished, educational and geared towards kids from 4-12. But, is it a winner?
Robot City brings a robot building frenzy to your iPad. The game is polished, educational and geared towards kids from 4-12. But, is it a winner?
The LinguPingu series of preschool foreign language apps are based on solid educational principles. But, they also bring a touch of irreverent humor to make learning fun. Enter to win a free copy!
Overdamped Artst's HD series is the gold standard for viewing art on the iPad or iPhone. Now they have teamed up with AppAdvice to giveaway promo codes for art apps of your favorite artists! Enter to win.
The hit trivia-meets-quiz show game, You Don't Know Jack has just arrived on iOS. It's bound to be a hit with fans, but what if you don't know Jack. Is this the trivia game for you?
It looks like Lemmings. It sounds like Lemmings. It plays like Lemmings. So why is it called Caveman_Hd? Read on to find out and win a copy with a comment!
Chop Chop Kicker is a catapult game that adds an element of skill. It borrows from many hit games like Solipskier and Tiny Wings and incorporates the Chop Chop style too. How do these elements combine? Read on to find out.
Procreate is an elegant new painting app for the iPad. It's feature-rich, sleek, and suitable for amateur and professionals alike. But, can it compete with the App Store painting staples, like Brushes and Inspire Pro?
Modern and Contemporary Art - Oxford Dictionary, by Handmark, is the latest reference entry from this powerful duo. Does it do the name Oxford proud? In a word, yes.
It’s presently Sunday morning, I’m sipping coffee, and Crux Crosswords HD is my perfect companion. Can it take the place of all the other crossword apps on the iPad? Even the NYTimes Crossword?
Art Expert HD brings users a wealth of the world's great art. It's packed with features, but is lacking some crucial elements to make it a truly great app.
Bloons TD 4 HD is am amazing tower defence game for everyone from kids to gamers. If you are new to iOS gaming, it's a no-brainer. But if you're already a Digital Glodfish Bloons games fan for iPhone is Bloons TD 4 HD, with a new price, worth the upgrade?
Profitville HD (available for iPhone and Mac separately), borrows a theme from classic shape sorting games, adds a dash of conveyer-belt madness, and comes up with an original game that will have you tapping for hours. This game is a winner!
The Five Little Monkeys who jumped on the bed are back, and this time they want to help their mother sell their "rickety, rattletrap wreck of a car." But, it doesn’t take long before all the bright ideas from the pandemonium-prone primates wreak utter havoc on the car, themselves, and of course their mother’s nerves.
Puzzle Wars HD is a match-four game where the larger the grouping and the more combos you make, the higher you score. Nothing new, right? Wrong! Pan Vision AB brings action and irony to the iPad puzzler with PvZvNvP: Puzzle Wars HD.
The Penelope Rose HD is part interactive book, part game, and sure to delight your little pixies. If you want to Win A Free Copy for the iPhone, iPad or Mac version, just leave a copy telling me why your little one needs to stop and smell The Penelope Rose! I only have one code for each, so be creative.
There are many apps out there that will read documents, display photos, as well as play your music and movies. But, none can manage them all, and do so with the style and simplicity of Zen Viewer HD.
If you are in the market for an attractive, straightforward, note pad, ActionNotes is worth checking out. Sometimes less is more.
Luxor: Amun Rising is a gorgeous iOS port that should please existing fans. The gameplay is great and it's true to the original. The question is, with so many fresh action-puzzlers, will it still feed your game-crave?
Max and The Magic Marker (available separately for iPhone and iPad), is one of the most innovative new games of 2011. It's part platformer, part puzzler, and magical fun for all ages. It's also the best console port since World Of Goo.
There are a slew of Easter egg decorating apps available now. Can Paint Easter Egg HD stand out in the crowd? I think so, what about you?
There is finally a new universal Doodle Jump game. Doodle Jump: HOP the Movie. It's fun, cute and free, but will it appeal to fans out of short pants?
If you prefer do-it-all apps to multiple task-specific apps, iWill HD can effectively fill many of your productivity as well as entertainment and news needs. It’s worth checking out.
MommyCal bring graphic reminders to moms with much to do. Can it help manage even your crazy life?