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steve jobs
Steve Jobs On iPhone 4 Antenna Issue: "Stay Tuned"

Steve Jobs On iPhone 4 Antenna Issue: "Stay Tuned"

Steve has replied to another disgruntled fan's email, this time telling him to "stay tuned". We're not sure whether this means Apple is in the process of developing a quick-fix for the iPhone 4 antenna issue or not. It does give afflicted iPhone owners a shred of hope to hold on to!

Joe White
FarmVille is Australia

FarmVille is Australia

The popular FarmVille Facebook app has shown up Down Under in the App Store. No word yet if FarmVille will be released in other locations immediately or if the rest of us will have to wait a little bit longer.

Bryan M. Wolfe
Full WWDC Keynote Video Now Available

Full WWDC Keynote Video Now Available

Enjoyed the live coverage yesterday? As good as that was, you can't top the real thing, can you? Fortunately, Apple just posted the full 112 minutes of iPhone 4 and Steve Jobs goodness on its website for you to enjoy.

WWDC 2010: Steve Jobs Announces New iPhone 4

WWDC 2010: Steve Jobs Announces New iPhone 4

Steve Jobs has announced the release of Apple's new iPhone handset. The model, named iPhone 4, offers a 5MP camera with LED flash, a front facing camera, an inbuilt Apple A4 chip, HD video recording at 720p and loads more highly anticipated features!

Joe White
Steve Jobs Replies: No In-App Desktops

Steve Jobs Replies: No In-App Desktops

My Frame's developers got a call from Apple this week informing them that their app is getting pulled, without much additional information. Like so many angry developers before them, they took the issue to Steve Jobs and got their answer.