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Alexander Vaughn

Alexander Vaughn

Editor-in-chief/Sofa-chair enthusiast. Contact:
Latest from Alexander
Apple Wins Again: Gets iPhone On Verizon - Not Verizon iPhone

Apple Wins Again: Gets iPhone On Verizon - Not Verizon iPhone

With the iPhone, Apple revolutionized more than just the mobile phone itself. They have managed to change the relationship between carriers, phone manufacturers and mobile customers. They have succeeded in creating a new model where the phone maker sells directly to customers, and while the mobile carriers can sell too, they primarily just provide the network access.

Alexander Vaughn
iOS Y2011 Bug: How To Fix Your iPhone Alarm Clock

iOS Y2011 Bug: How To Fix Your iPhone Alarm Clock

For the third day in a row, we're getting reports from around the world indicating that iOS alarm functionality has, once again, failed to work properly for some users. However, thanks to the help of some readers, we've been able to nail down what can be done to avoid further issues. We also have some additional tips that might serve as a good backup. Check them out...

Alexander Vaughn
Confirmed: New Year's iOS Alarm Bug Does Fix Itself

Confirmed: New Year's iOS Alarm Bug Does Fix Itself

Cupertino finally came out of its post-NYE coma last night, and confirmed to Macworld what we all already knew; the transition to 2011 did mess up the iOS 4.0+ non-recurring alarm clock functionality. While Apple didn't say whether Steve would be made available to sign notes to your boss confirming it, they did have some good news.

Alexander Vaughn
Beware: 2011 Breaks iOS Alarm Functionality

Beware: 2011 Breaks iOS Alarm Functionality

The advent of 2011 is apparently as hard on our iPhones as it is on our poor hangover heads. As numerous users around the world have now discovered, the built-in iOS alarm functionality didn't support the transition to the new year and has not functioned properly this morning.

Alexander Vaughn