![T-Mobile USA Ready To Release A5-based iPhone](https://wpuploads.appadvice.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/tmobile-1.jpg)
T-Mobile USA Ready To Release A5-based iPhone
T-Mobile USA is setting the rumor mills swirling with the field-testing of an A5-upgraded iPhone.
T-Mobile USA is setting the rumor mills swirling with the field-testing of an A5-upgraded iPhone.
AT&T admitted its network wasn’t ready for the iPhone when it debuted. This admission, first uncovered by Business Insider, is part of a new public filing AT&T made as it seeks support in its bid for T-Mobile.
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AT&T’s acquisition of T-Mobile should provide one benefit, at least in the long-term: improved network coverage for users in New York City and San Francisco. But, don't expect that overnight.
T-Mobile itself will probably never get the iPhone. However, that doesn't mean T-Mobile customers themselves won't have access to the handset in the future.
In an unexpected move, AT&T, the biggest US mobile carrier just announced that it's acquiring T-Mobile, the fourth largest national mobile provider in terms of subscribers and only other one operating on the GSM band.
Since Verizon began selling the iPhone 4 earlier this month, T-Mobile has used humor, pretty girls, and now cool looking graphics to distinguish itself from the competition, as demonstrated in a new ad on its website.
Recent price drops for the iPad could mean a new model is coming soon. T-Mobile and Orange have dropped their iPad pricing recently.
T-Mobile has been taking some jabs at the iPhone for a couple of months now with a series of ads somewhat inspired by Apple's now defunct "Get A Mac" campaign. It pits a young girl, against another young man who has to support a creepy old one, namely T-Mobile against the iPhone and its AT&T pal.
T-Mobile is using humor and its strengths to counter the new Verizon iPhone. What do you think?
UK Apple fans will be pleased to learn that Orange and T-Mobile reportedly plan to offer 16GB iPad Wi-Fi + 3G models for £200. Read on to find out the conditions of this great offer ...
It's amazing how one iPhone charger being sold at T-Mobile started a rumor. Read more...
It's a common practice for US carriers to bash each other with competing TV ads. Most of the time, these ads are very poor and just take cheap shots at the competition. T-Mobile is no stranger to this practice, and this week has begun airing a brand new advertisement for their My Touch 4G. The ad is targeted against AT&T, the iPhone 4 and FaceTime. This time around, they really nailed the message, while managing to stay classy.
Credit Suisse has surveyed iPhone owners, asking what they'd do if AT&T lost exclusivity. Read on to see the results...
Another rumor points to T-Mobile getting the iPhone sometime in 2011. Read More...
What's this? More T-Mobile iPhone rumors? You'd better read on...
While we probably won't know until Apple wants us to know, it is very likely that U.S. customers will see an iPhone on Verizon's network within a year. The thing that everyone wants to know is: "What will this mean for sales?"
For the last three years there have been many rumors that the iPhone will eventually be available on Verizon's network. Apple has Verizon cell-sites in its Cupertino HQ, it has CDMA iPhone prototypes, and most of all, it has the will. Yet, the iPhone might instead just end up on T-Mobile.
T-Mobile UK has finally announced its pricing structure for the iPhone 4, but sadly the results aren't great. Read on to find out why prospective iPhone 4 owners should probably avoid T-Mobile UK.