Find the Cure in the Turn-Based Tactical Folktale Howl
The new tactical-based folktale Howl takes a trip back in time to provide a unique adventure.
Set in medieval times, a “howling” plague has ravaged the land, turning any who hears the call into feral beasts. Gamers take on the role of the deaf heroine who needs to find the cure.
You can plan up to six steps in advance to out maneuver the enemy, wolfish creatures ready to attack. All of the creatures posses different abilities and levels of vitality. So make sure to create a winning strategy before attacking.
After slaying wolves, you can accumulate different abilities like Vault, Smoke Bomb, and Piercing Shot. You can upgrade this during the course of the game while unlocking more Action Slots and Undo Round Points.
Planning your moves will also shape your own prophecy for the world.
The game features more than 60 levels in four chapters. While planning your route on the world map, you can universe new skills and secret paths.
Along with the great story, the visuals use a living ink style that creates the story as you play. It helps create the dark and foreboding quest.
Designed for the iPhone and all iPad models, Howl is a free download now on the App Store. A $3.99 in-app purchase will unlock the entire game.
Download the game now