Writing App Ulysses Updated With Grammar and Style Check
The great writing app Ulysses has just been updated to version 21 with a number of new features.
Make Your Writing Better

The biggest addition is a new revision mode. When active, the mode hides unnecessary features, dims the editor theme and highlights annotations and suggestions.
You can also see grammar and style suggestions. In the mode, you’ll also see annotations, comments, deletions, and marked text passages.
The app’s interface has also been updated to better match iOS and iPadOS 14.
Ulysses is designed for the iPhone and all iPad models. It can be downloaded now on the App Store for free.
A subscription is required to use the app. You can pay $5.99 per month or $49.99 per year.
With a subscription, you can also access the app on the Mac.
There is a free trial to try out the app. Students can also receive a discount of $11.99 for a six-month subscription.