Best iPad Stock Market Apps
If you work with stocks on a regular basis, then this AppGuide is for you. We will guide you through some of the best apps to track and manage your stocks right from your iPad.

Stock Guru for iPad
Stock Guru is a powerful stock analysis app for the iPad. The app provides thorough analysis of every stock aiding you in selling or buying stocks. The app helps you judge stocks based upon risk, valuation, financial strength, and momentum. Stock Guru includes over 6,700 stocks from NYSE, AMEX, NASDAQ, and over the counter stocks. For each stock you are given a guru rating, valuation rating, financial strength, momentum rating, stock screening, comprehensive financial data, risk score, risk percentile, risk return chart, sharpe ratio, sharpe percentile, risk volatility comparisons, and key stock data. The app provides a nice interface to work in and is loaded with tons of features. Stock Guru is fairly expensive, but is an app that should help you create some nice income. If you are looking to become your own stockbroker, then this is a great app to have. No app competes with its ability to analyze the stock market.

StockWatch - iPad Edition
StockWatch is an app to help you track your stocks from your iPad. The function and purpose of the app is somewhat different from Stock Guru. While StockGuru is designed to help you make decisions in buying and selling stocks, this app is designed to help you track stocks you already own. StockWatch was featured by Apple in their iTunes Rewind 2010 as one of the best apps of 2010. The app allows you to create unlimited numbers of portfolios, watch-lists, and symbols for portfolios. It provides constantly updated prices, gains, costs, and values for your stocks. The app also provides news feeds and technical charts. StockWatch supports stock markets from the United States, Europe, and Asia. It's loaded with great features and is built around a fantastic user interface. If you need to track stocks on your iPad, this is the app to have.

CNBC Real-Time for iPad
The CNBC Real-Time app for iPad is a great free app to stay up to date with the market in real time. The app features live stock quotes and charts. CNBC Real-Time includes historical interactive charts and a playlist of all of your favorite stocks. The app also has all of the latest news and alerts from CNBC that relate to the stock market. It also helps you when the market is closed by providing pre-market data and post-market data and how different stories will impact the market in the future. CNBC Real-Time also includes over 150 news clips each and every day. These clips are taken from the television broadcasts that are done each day. The interface is fantastic. The app is so well done that many would gladly pay for it. If you are in need of a great app to keep your eye on the stock market, this is a simply great one.

Stock TickerPicker - technical analysis and stock charts + stock prices
Stock TickerPicker is a great app for stock quotes, stock charts, and technical analysis. The app is universal so it will run on both your iPad and iPhone. The app was featured by Apple in the iTunes 2010 Rewind. The app has a simply great interface on the iPad and an equally great interface on the iPhone. The iPad app truly feels like an iPad app rather than a simply blown up iPhone app. Stock TickerPicker is one of the best ways to keep track of your stocks and check out some prospective stocks for purchase in the near future. It is an app that does more than one thing right, though the price keeps it out of our Essential category.

iChartist Stock, Forex and Futures Charts
While not for just any investor, iChartist proves its usefulness to any serious trader on Wall Street. This app provides technical analysis and professional charts that include Average True Range, Bollinger Bands, Exponential Moving Average, Momentum and much more. Although iChartist is a fantastic app, it is hard to recommend it to anyone who doesn’t completely know what they're doing in the field of investing. With its steep price tag, it's not for the casual investor.

Market Scan - Stock Technical Analysis
MarketScan is a nice alternative to StockGuru. The app includes tools to help analyze the stock market. The app includes the most-used technical indicators for stocks, predefined stock scans, info from the past four days, and charts. The developers are working on including weekly scans, alerts, stock search, and more. The app does provide many nice features, but does not provide nearly as much as StockGuru. The interface is nice, but somewhat harder to use in comparison to StockGuru, and it certainly isn't worth twice the price. If you are looking for an alternative to StockGuru, this is it.

StockTouch provides a beautiful interface for viewing the top 100 stocks of both the U.S. and Global markets. The grid interface helps you visualize the top 100, and you can view by nine different sectors. The app also shows charts that visualize how the stock has done over the past day, week, month, three months, year, and more. There are even links to news articles that are relating to the company that you are viewing stock for. Updating data is not done in real-time, but it is done in five-minute intervals during the trading day. If you care about stocks and also care about having a great interface to work with, then give this app a try.

Portfolio mobile - Stock Tracking & Market Analysis for iPad
StockTrac HD includes portfolio tracking, technical analysis, foreign currency trading, and price alerts. The app is designed to be your one stock app. The number of tools available is simply great. The app can also sync data with your broker through OFX tools. The one downside of trying to do everything is it is harder to do everything well. The execution of all of these functions is not as good as having two stand alone apps designed for those special functions. Having StockGuru and StockWatch is a much better solution than what this app provides. If you are looking for a one stop shop this is it, but we would recommend using a few apps instead.

Bloomberg for iPad
Bloomberg for iPad app accesses some great tools from Bloomberg. The app allows you to track your own stocks and stay up to date with the latest financial news. The app also includes access to the podcasts that Bloomberg runs. The app has access to a wealth of knowledge, all available for free. The one problem the app does have is ads. The app is just loaded with ads that take away from the experience of using the app. If you don't mind the ads, this is a great free app to have.

TradeFields - Stock Market Simulator

StockSpy HD - Stocks, Watchlists, Stock Market Investor News, Real Time Quotes & Charts for iPad

MarketWatch Market Data App

TheStreet – Stock Market News, Charts & Technical Analysis

Stock Signals

Stock Board Free

Seasonalysis - Seasonal Stock Analyzer

Market Pulse

Forecastica Premium for iPad

Stock Trader’s Almanac 2011 – Calendar & Market Data Tool

Stocks Portfolio for iPad


Beacon - Ambient stock market information

Stock Market - The Pocket Essential Guide