Being a Gmail power user has always been a bit of a challenge in iOS. Because of the many shortcomings of the native iOS mail app in its ability to deal with Gmail, and all its labeling goodness, the Gmail Web app has always been a promising alternative. Today, this becomes even more of a reality thanks to some great new features that Google has added to the app.
There might not be much to it, as we're all expecting Apple to announce one or more iPhones come October 4, but we now have information from someone who might just know a bit more about it than we do; Apple board member, Al Gore.
Ever since the WWDC, Apple has been very discreet about Newsstand and what it really will be like. This week, Apple finally released, to some developers, a special FAQ document detailing how the feature will work and affect them. We have received a copy of these details, here they are.
We are thrilled by the growing number of available music streaming services. Unfortunately, all the Spotify's and Rdio's in the world won't really be of much use to you if you don't know what to listen to in the first place. In a promotional effort to get you to listen to more of their music, Universal Music has compiled a new app that helps you find music, through playlists, it's called Digster.
Following the many rumors surrounding the iPhone 5 coming to Sprint, we're now hearing that Apple will also be launching the iPad 2 on the low-priced network.
AppFresh Daily features the best apps that have been released in the last 24 hours. Thousands of apps get approved by Apple daily. Instead of having to dig through all the junk, come to AppFresh Daily, where we hand select what we think are the new potential gems that we’re considering for review each day.
AppFresh Daily features the best apps that have been released in the last 24 hours. Thousands of apps get approved by Apple daily. Instead of having to dig through all the junk, come to AppFresh Daily, where we hand select what we think are the new potential gems that we’re considering for review each day.
AppAdvice is thriving. On top of our industry-leading website and app, we're currently working on many exciting new projects to help make the App Store a better place. And for that very reason, we need your help.
In case you missed the story, Apple lost another iPhone prototype. While this time around the prototype hasn't been leaked to the public, the whole thing is still a big mystery and we'll probably never learn what really happened. Nevertheless, Apple looks pretty ridiculous, and you can count on Conan O'Brien to pick up on it.
Good news if you use and enjoy Blogger, Google's hosted blogging platform. Just minutes ago, Google released an official iPhone client for the service.
Talk of Apple finally moving away from the 30 pin connector and moving to micro-USB has been going on for ages. Yet, for the first time since last summer, we're seeing some evidence that might suggest Apple will finally make the jump with the next iPhone.
Steve's departure last night has prompted a lot of people to tell us a bit about what it was like to work with Steve. As always, Steve is portrayed as an incredible leader, always involved in small details with that well known sense of perfection, but also with humor.
In what is without a doubt one of the saddest news of the history of humanity, Apple's founder Steven P. Jobs resigned from his position as Apple's CEO in a letter this Wednesday.