While Twitter clients were one of the most popular and most debated apps on the iPhone, news readers are the hot topic for the iPad. Apps like Flipboard, Reeder and Pulse have drawn the most attention so far, but a new app seeks to eclipse them all.
App developers have come up with a lot of great uses for the iPhone's camera. Now, one developer has come up with a way to make your own customized Visa gift card with it.
If you have children, then you likely have a head full of numbers to keep track of. It can be a pain to keep track of allowances, grades and chores. Now you can do it on your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch with this handy little app.
If you have kids, you're familiar with Fisher-Price. Now, one of the largest makers of toys is bringing children's entertainment to the iPhone with Bigfoot the Monster for iPhone.
The iPad is an ideal device for viewing photos and doing basic editing. Now you can pair your iPad with your digital camera to create a low-cost digital portrait studio.
Mega Jump, the colorful cousin of Doodle Jump, just received a massive update. Read on, because there is no way we can post it all in just this brief teaser.
Sometime after it became acceptable to go to Walmart wearing ridiculous outfits, PeopleOfWalmart.com was formed to make fun of those who did. Now, thanks to a new iPhone app, you can laugh at them anytime you want.
Do you love your iPhone, but tired of having to hold it all day? Do you want to hold your phone to your ear without worrying about how you're holding it? Do you not look nerdy enough going out in public? There is now a solution.
The masters of touch computing are on course to let you control every device they make, simply by touch. While that sounds cool, what does Apple really have up their sleeve?
In some of AT&T's most troubled areas, they have come up with an alternate solution to their problems. AT&T is trying to offload their data traffic to Wi-Fi.
Just a week ago, we informed you that the RedEye IR dongle that turns your iPhone into a universal remote was finally shipping to customers. Now, it looks like you might have to ship it right back.
The graphics masterminds at Autodesk have brought their amazing photo manipulating skills to the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch with their new app, Fluid FX.
One of the lesser-known features of the iPhone 4 was support for HSUPA (High Speed Uplink Packet Access) which allows the iPhone to send data at very high speed. Unfortunately, this feature hasn't quite lived up to the promise, until now.
Now that your little cell phone doubles as an HD video camera, it's time to find out how to take the best video possible. Now, you can get professional quality shots at amateur prices.
AT&T recently released a very positive third-quarter earnings statement. The reason given for such positive results will likely come as no surprise to readers of this site.