Five years after Apple unveiled their first iPhone, we now have our first prepaid plan in the United States. Beginning next month, San Diego, California-based Cricket Communications will offer Apple’s handset off contract and with an unlimited monthly plan.
Seven months after his death, Steve Jobs' final product design is getting close to release. Why the next iPhone will truly be for the late Apple co-founder.
Three months after a class action lawsuit was filed against Apple over Siri’s apparent lack of functionality, the company is asking a court to dismiss the charges. What makes this story interesting isn’t that the company wants to see the charges go away, but rather their defense.
Apple’s newest iPhone 4S ads are a hit with consumers, proving once again that Apple and celebrities mix quite nicely thank you very much. Which celebrity has done the best job at promoting Apple's products?
Customers in the market for an iPhone 4S or iPhone 4 are now in luck. Target has cut the price of each model by $50. Does this have anything to do with the upcoming new iPhone release?
In the first three months of 2012, Apple posted revenue of $39.2 billion and net profit of $11.6 billion. Apple announced the results in a release this afternoon.
The Chinese iPhone hacker Loktar_Sun has, according to a number of reports, released an unlock method that supports Apple's iPhone 4S. In order to take advantage of the solution, all you need is a jailbroken iPhone handset that iTunes is recognising (i.e., that hasn't been blacklisted).
Less than 15 months ago, AT&T was the only U.S. carrier that sold the iPhone. Now, that number has risen to nine. Effective today, five new regional carriers have joined the iPhone cavalcade. And no, none of these go by the name T-Mobile.
AppAdvice isn’t a place where politics are normally discussed, nor do we as an organization have an opinion (one way or another) about conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh. However, this one is interesting.