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Popular iOS Apps And Games On Sale For A Limited Time

Popular iOS Apps And Games On Sale For A Limited Time

EA has placed a whole bunch of their iPad games on sale for a limited time, with prices ranging from $2.99 all the way down to $.99. We also have a nice selection of photography apps, children's books, and hit games from some of the smaller App Store developers.

Tyler Tschida
The White iPhone, iCloud Rumors, And A 1994 Tablet Prediction Made News In Week That Was

The white iPhone debuted and quickly began selling out, while investors became concerned about future iPad 2 sales. But, don’t tell that to those in Japan, who loved the second-generation iDevice. Meanwhile, Apple provided its mea culpa on the “locationgate” issue, but will that be enough for the whole affair to die? Not if Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn) has anything to say about it. These stories and more made news during the last week.

Your TomTom App Might Lead To A Speeding Ticket

TomTom NV has apologized for selling traffic information about its customers to law enforcements officials. The company behind the line of navigation apps for motorists sold traffic data to local and regional governments as a way to make more money, in news reported by The Register.

Bryan M. Wolfe