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Amazon Echo Show Speaker

This Week: the Amazon Echo Show Speaker Launches

May 14, 2017

We saw the Amazon Echo Show speaker this week for the first time. Meanwhile, production begins on the next iPhone.

Trending, May 7-13, 2017

Trending, May 7-13, 2017

Production Begins on the Next iPhone

Over at Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) production on the A11 chips likely to be found on Apple’s 2017 handsets has begun, according to a report this week.  Elsewhere, new renderings for the “iPhone 8” have been published.

For the latest on the so-called “iPhone 8,” see:

WWDC Gets Closers

Apple has officially announced the June 5th keynote that begins the 2017 Worldwide Developers Conference in San Jose, California. During the event, which kicks off at 10 a.m. PDT,  we’ll see “iOS 11” for the first time. We could also hear more about Amazon Video’s arrival on Apple TV.

See WWDC 2017: The Latest Apple iOS 11 News and Predictions for more information.

Odds and Ends

App News

App News

Hey Meatbag, ...

The AI with an attitude, Carrot, is expanding her reach on the App Store making a move to games with Artificial Superintelligence. The snarky computer stars in a number of great titles including Carrot Weather, Carrot To-Do, and Carrot Fit.

Artificial Superintelligence is part sci-fi, part comedy, in which gamers take the role of a startup founder building the world’s first sentient supercomputer. For each major decision, you will only have two choices that can be activated by sliding left or right.

Review Time

The Week Ahead

The Week Ahead

On Monday, TechCrunch Disrupt begins in New York City. Also on this day, Intercop ITX opens in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Google I/O begins on May 17 in Mountain View, California.