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Jamie is a wordsmith with a passion for technology, gaming, and sarcasm. She loves her Apple products and eats social media for breakfast. When she's not writing here at AppAdvice (or going grammar Nazi all over everyone), you'll find her head-shotting zombies, thinking with portals, and rambling on The Dock Podcast. Oh, and she's also really good at that Twitter thingy. Email: • Game Center: atjamie • Twitter: @atjamie
Latest from Jamie
The App Star Awards Are Back
Attention developers: This is your big chance at ultimate app stardom!
Facebook Outbids Twitter On Instagram: Is Dorsey Taking It Too Hard?
It seems Facebook beat Twitter in the Instagram war.
AppsGoneFree International: AppAdvice Is Hiring
AppAdvice is now hiring! Apply within!
The AppAdvice Comment Policy: Don't Be A Jerk
Please read our site comment policy.
Rest Easy: AndroidAdvice Was Just For Laughs, AppAdvice Lives On
So, we pulled an April Fools' Day prank yesterday ...
We're Excited To Announce A Big Change Coming To AppAdvice
We have some big news, folks!
That Was Quick: Readability Responds And Fixes The Sharing Problem
We didn't like Readability's sharing practices, so we said so. And guess what? They responded and fixed it!
The Only OMGPOP Employee To Turn Down Zynga, Bravo!
Zynga buys OMGPOP and the employees ... but not this guy!
Frustrated With OmniFocus For iPhone Crashing? It's Finally Fixed!
OmniFocus for iPhone squashes bugs, and gets unique, repeating tasks!
We Want To Hear From You: Share Your New iPad Adventure With Us
Are you venturing out to get an iPad tonight or tomorrow? Waiting at home? We want to know!
AppStart For iPad Goes Free: The First App Your New iPad Needs
AppStart for iPad has been lovingly updated and is free for a limited time!
Lock Screen Camera No Longer Available During Calls In iOS 5.1
It seems there was a tiny oversight on Apple's part with iOS 5.1. It may not matter to you, but it's all about the details.
The New iPad 3 Is Quite Magical, Don't You Think?
Simon Pierro gives us a taste of how he imagines the next generation iPad.
Sick Of iPad Rumors? We Are Too, But Check Out These Hilarious 'Facts'
Did you know that the iPad 3 comes shipped with Chuck Norris action jeans?
Want To Go After AT&T For Being Greedy? This Guy Did, And He Won!
This man took AT&T to small claims court over data throttling — and won!
Apple Acquires Chomp, The App Search Engine
How does Apple make the App Store even better? They buy this algorithm-based app search engine!
AppAdvice Is Hiring: AppsGoneFree Is Coming To Asia
AppAdvice is now hiring! Apply within!
The Life Of Steve Jobs: A Facebook Timeline
The life, and legacy, of Steve Jobs all in a Facebook timeline. Beautiful.
Another iPad 3 Rumor Roundup With Leaked Photos
"Leaked" iPad 3 images hint at a different design. But do we like it?
Prepare For Trouble And Make It Double: These Pokemon Apps Are A Scam
Don't be fooled by the fake Pokemon apps in the App Store — they're scams!
The AppAdvice App Update Is Finally Live, Bugs Squashed And Arnold Gone
The AppAdvice app update is finally live!
Will The iPad 3 Be Announced March 7, With Quad-Core And 4G LTE?
It seems the speculated date for the next generation iPad will be March 7 — are you ready?
Zombieville Meets Doom In This New iOS Shooter
Check out this new, 2-D zombie-killing shooter for iOS.
Upgrading Your 4S To An iPhone 5? Not Without A Little Extra Cash, If You're An AT&T Customer
AT&T increases yet another fee amount. Will you switch carriers now?