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Susan Megrund
Over the years, I have grown up loving all things electronic. The words Casio, Calico, Commodore, Atari and Pong all bring warm memories, as I anticipated Christmas morning and the shiny new electronic item that waited under the tree. (Yeah, I am exposing my age.) I had a Simon, a Merlin, and a strange little football game that chased red dots down a green screen. I was the envy of our neighborhood, and … I am a girl. Barbie? Ken? The Dream House? I only played with that stuff in order to have friends. Technology is a great way to pass the time when you live in Minnesota and face a long, cold winter!
I love exploring the vast array of applications that both the iPhone and iPad have to offer, and I love sharing all this with others! Contact:
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Miramax, an independent and foreign film distributor, is releasing a new Facebook movie rental app. The app features ways to watch movies on the iPad, computers and through Google TV. The new digital app is called the Miramax eXperience.
When you first glance at the data that came out today from the research group NPD, you would think that Android phones are winning the race in the smartphone market. But hold on, that may not be true.
Big Fish Games has just released Hidden Wonders of the Depths 2 and it is available for both the iPhone and the iPad. As usual, Big Fish Games brings great graphics and audio to this exciting new sequel.
If you use Evernote, you will be excited to hear the iPhone and iPad app received a huge update! If you don’t use Evernote, read on, because you may want to give it a try.
This fall Energizer is releasing a travel charger that should take away from the hassle of carrying several cords and plugs for your various devices. Currently, there appears to be no other device quite like this on the market.
Meet Connor Zamary, a 7-year-old iPhone app designer. Connor set out to develop an app called Toaster Pop. He seems to be the youngest entrepreneur to engage in designing iOS apps.
A recent survey published by Baird Research group shared a lot of insight for tablet makers and it is good news for Apple, which only means bad news for non-Apple device makers.
Verizon customers seem to be dumping their Android devices for the iPhone. A 10 percent decrease in Android market share over the past five months seems pretty significant, especially for a carrier that sells top of the line Android handsets.
It appears orangutans love the iPad as much as humans do. At a zoo in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, zookeepers began an experiment to see how these primates would react to the iPad. To their surprise, they love playing games, drawing pictures, watching videos, interacting with books and discovering new things.
LinkedIn received a big update this morning and has been completely rewritten from scratch. The newly updated app boasts better speed, greater simplicity and the most requested feature; Groups.
Chinese officials have cracked down on the numerous fake Apple Stores that opened recently in China. It appears they have not closed their doors and gone out of business. Instead, they have been renamed “Smart Store.”
Walmart has made a decision to drop their music download service. According to a recent statement, Walmart, said this is a business decision and gave no further reason for ending their service.
Yesterday, the law firm of Hagens Berman filed a class action lawsuit against Apple and five leading publishers: HarperCollins, Hachette Book Group, Macmillan, Penguin Group and Simon & Schuster. The lawsuit claims they engaged in fixed electronic book pricing, which forced Amazon to abandon their pro-consumer pricing.
Yesterday, Apple rolled out some changes to their recycling program and it appears they are more open to sharing the love with Apple gift cards and helping you dispose of your non-Apple products.
Many pilots have already been using their iDevices for flight plans, recording flight hours, and other management details. This new device is one of the first products to incorporate the iPad into the hardware of the aircraft.