If you recently purchased a 3GS and are now having second thoughts and want a iPhone 4, you are in luck. It has been announced that AT&T will give recent iPhone buyers a choice between a credit or an upgrade to the latest model.
It has been reported that as many of 114,000 first purchasers of the 3G iPad might have had their data breached, causing another public relations headache for Apple and AT&T.
With AT&T's new limited data plans now in place, it makes you wonder if this is good or bad for the consumer or developer. As it stands now, of course, it is anyone's guess.
We heard some great iPhone and app news at today's WWDC, but now that the dust has settled, I'm raising the question about the items we had really hoped for, but did not see.
AT&T has recently posted an online data calculator to help users figure out which plan to get and how much they expect to be shelling out in possible overages.
Verizon's 2-for-1 offer on Droid handsets has got one site thinking that the Verizon iPhone is more than just a dream. With Apple's WWDC Keynote kicking off tomorrow, anything could happen.
U.S. iPhone users have been long-promised tethering, which is about to be released as part of the OS 4.0 update. However, for those users that were hoping to tether from iPhone to iPad, the wait may be long.
AppAdvice Daily is back! We've missed you guys! It's been a few days, and a lot has happened, so i'm here to bring you the latest news and most importantly up to date app info. On today's show AT&T puts a cap on data useage - find out what that means to you. Plus we have an app that will make you wanna Boink. We have all this and more on today's AppAdvice Daily.
AT&T have announced that their current iPhone unlimited data plan is to be abolished on June 7th, to be replaced with two cheaper, limited plans. Similar changes are to take place with the iPad's data plans also.
Apparently, AT&T has told its employees that they'll be selling the new iPhone this June. More precisely, at the beginning of June, but that's only if you believe Jonathan Geller.
AT&T is under heavy scrutiny lately and every single one of their moves is now seen as a hint toward a Verizon CDMA iPhone. But, we might have been looking the wrong way.
Are you scared that you'll have to pay full price for a new iPhone once it hits this summer? Well, you might be eligible for an upgrade sooner than you think. Wouldn't you love to see hot chicks in skimpy clothes get down in feathery warfare? We have an app for that. Plus, we'll show you how to Stick It. We have all this and more on today's AppAdvice Daily.