Keep on bouncing in Journey of 1000 Stars
Here's a new iOS release that should help you waste away a few hours of the remaining weekend: Journey of 1000 Stars is simple, mindless fun, featuring repetative but addictive gameplay, cute graphics, and comic sound effects. You can download the application now.


The aim of the game in Journey of 1000 Stars is simple: through jumping on top of big, fluffy, white clouds, the aim is to keep on bouncing, staying in the sky instead of falling down to the ground. This, combined with the game's cute, pixellated graphics and fun sound effects, makes for a gaming experience that's perhaps a lot more enjoyable than it should be.
Take a look:
I'm reminded a fair bit of Flappy Bird when it comes to Journey of 1000 Stars, but this is no bad thing (heck, I loved Flappy Bird, like so many others). It plugs into the same part of my gamer's mind, and fills a bit of time here and there with its jump-in, jump-out gamplay.
Describing itself as “essential arcade zen,” the developer behind Journey of 1000 Stars notes that the aim in the game is to bounce and collect – you guessed it – 1000 stars. “After 50 stars the game doesn't get any harder, it just stays hard,” the developer adds.
Currently, the human record of achievement in the app is 99 stars. Yet AI testing has noted that 1000 stars can indeed be reached by a player of succificient skill. That player could be you, and there's only one way to find out.
You can pick up Journey of 1000 Stars for $1.99 on the App Store.