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AppAdvice Daily: St. Patrick's Day Special!

AppAdvice Daily: St. Patrick's Day Special!

Saint Patrick's Day is right around the corner, so we have all the apps you'll need to bring some Irish Luck to your holiday. From games, to Irish slang dictionaries, to bar finders, to taxi apps - we have you covered.

Robin Rhys
New AppGuide: Local Advice Apps

New in town? Going on a vacation? Whatever the reason is, you need some advice from the locals. There are tons of different apps that help newbies find their way to the local favorites. We compare our favorites in this AppGuide ...

Tim Chaten
AppAdvice Daily: Verizon iPhone - Everything You Need To Know

AppAdvice Daily: Verizon iPhone - Everything You Need To Know

The Verizon iPhone has been announced (officially) and will be made available for sale on February 10, 2010. Watch the show to find out all the details. Plus if you feel like celebrating the announcement, I pulled together seven apps that will help you plan an awesome night on the town.

Robin Rhys
Yelp App Updated Slightly

Yelp App Updated Slightly

One of the best review apps has been slightly updated to allow you to make informed decisions on the run. The Yep iPhone app now includes features that make it quicker for you to find a great place to eat and know firsthand where your online friends are located.

Bryan M. Wolfe