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Sean Capelle

Sean Capelle

App reviewer, Apple geek, father of three, bass guitarist, wombat tamer: one of these things is made up, but the rest do a pretty good job of describing Sean.
Latest from Sean
Reiner Knizia's Mosaic Paints A Pretty Picture With An Ugly Monster

Reiner Knizia's Mosaic Paints A Pretty Picture With An Ugly Monster

Different multi-colored pieces rest at the bottom of the screen. Your objective is to place the pieces on the board in an orientation that satisfies the space it rests on, as well as allows you to use up all of the pieces. This may sound a little intimidating, but I’ve figured out a strategy that can shed some light.

Sean Capelle
AppAdvice Jr: Best Book Apps For Kids

With so many apps available, trying to find the right one for your kids can be overwhelming. I’m making it my job to find the best apps to help your children become better 21st century learners and citizens (and gamers).

Sean Capelle