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White iPhone 4
The White iPhone 4 Is Thicker Than The Black Model

Although Apple hasn’t stated so officially, it looks like the white iPhone 4 is slightly thicker than the original model, in news posted by Ryan Cash of Marketcircle, and confirmed separately by MacRumors. What this means for iPhone case manufacturers remains to be seen.

Bryan M. Wolfe
Apple Announces The White iPhone 4 - Coming Tomorrow

Apple Announces The White iPhone 4 - Coming Tomorrow

Following almost 10 months of desperate wait, Apple has finally managed to overcome the difficulties preventing it from shipping the white iPhone 4. In a press release just moments ago, Apple announced that the device will be made all around the world starting tomorrow.

Alexander Vaughn
Top AppAdvice News & Apps Of The Past Week

Top AppAdvice News & Apps Of The Past Week

Continued iPhone 5 rumors gained traction, while one iPad 3 rumor was debunked. The white iPhone 4 returned from the dead, but unfortunately, the Flip Video died a painful death. Adobe played nice with Apple, but Viacom went after Cablevision. Finally, one app went to Hollywood, while another looked a lot like an app already in the App Store. These stories and more made news during the last week.

Bryan M. Wolfe
Apple: White iPhone 4 Coming Soon (Really)

Apple: White iPhone 4 Coming Soon (Really)

It’s now official: the long-promised white iPhone 4 is coming this spring, as Apple promised us last October.This news comes from The Wall Street Journal, which used unidentified sources from Apple to confirm the story.

Bryan M. Wolfe