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A new Kickstarter project aims to bring "ghosting" to the masses. You can help it happen!
A new Kickstarter project aims to bring "ghosting" to the masses. You can help it happen!
The Pebble smartphone watch represents a missed opportunity for Apple on the wearable computer front.
This upcoming action adventure MMO is shaping up nicely, but needs your help to continue to grow.
MirrorCase offers a more natural way to record video with your iPhone.
Some say that crowd-sourced funding is the future of gaming. Will Kitaru be yet another success?
Still haven’t found the perfect iPad case for you? Consider the FlipSteady, now being considered at Kickstarter for the iPad 2 and new iPad.
Organ Trail zombie parody game getting spruced up for App Store debut.
Whoizit!? isn't just a run-of-the-mill mobile Guess Who? clone.
Stabilize your video, have hands-free FaceTime calls, or set up your iPhone on a tripod with this Kickstarter project.
DeadCatDot NanoMuffs are a clever way to beat mother nature when outdoors. Check out how a patch of scruffy fur could save your outdoor video sound.
This Kickstarter project looks to be a great tool for photographers, cinematographers, or anyone else who likes to use their iDevice's camera.
The Bendi iPad stand brings hands-free iPad use and a whole lot more.
Use any surface as a tripod to record great video with the iFilm.
Innovative accessory creator needs your help with their Kickstarter project.
The NKMOS Ultima now has a lower purchase price, and it's almost totally funded!
This Kickstarter project aims to be the first "digital wallet," but should you shell out some real cash for it?
Turn your iPhone into a divine relic and summon the powers of the gods in this fun Kickstarter game concept!
The Billet Dock looks like the perfect dock for when you want to show off your iDevice.
A Kickstarter campaign to attract funding for the app version of has been launched.
Another new Kickstarter project, with impressive ambitions, wants to vie for your attention.
This tiny accessory can help with big things.
Kind of a high-tech, new-fangled Polaroid, Instaprint could add a hip new dimension to your party.
ROBOTO: Vengeance needs your help and your money!
Mail Pilot, an interesting Kickstarter project that is looking to re-imagine email, has gained full funding.