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steve jobs
Kutcher And Co-Stars Snapped Filming jOBS Biopic At Steve's Family Home

Kutcher And Co-Stars Snapped Filming jOBS Biopic At Steve's Family Home

Already, we've heard that scenes from the upcoming 'jOBS: Get Inspired' biopic (starring Ashton Kutcher) were to be filmed at Steve Jobs' family home in Los Altos, CA. Now, pictures of Kutcher and his co-stars at the Jobs residence have hit the Web, providing us with a first glimpse of several of the other characters that feature in the biopic.

Joe White
The Upside Down Apple Logo

The Upside Down Apple Logo

In real-life and on television, Apple products are easy to identify thanks to their front-and-center logos. It wasn’t that long ago, however, that the Apple logo on laptops and desktops looked quite different.

AppAdvice's Week In Review

AppAdvice's Week In Review

Is Apple in love with celebrities? Do they really dislike the word jailbreak? Are we really going to see an iPad mini? These questions and others were discussed in the week that was.

Ashton Kutcher's Steve Jobs Movie To Begin Shooting In The Original Garage

Ashton Kutcher's Steve Jobs Movie To Begin Shooting In The Original Garage

Already, we've seen pictures of Ashton Kutcher in his black-tutleneck-blue-jeans costume for the upcoming "jOBS: Get Inspired" TV movie adaptation of the Apple co-founder's life. Now, we've heard that the movie is to begin filming in the actual house where Jobs was born - and better still, will include scenes in the garage were Jobs and Wozniak put together the first Apple computer, according to Apple Insider.

Joe White
Apple's Secrets To Success

Apple's Secrets To Success

Over the course of the past five years, Apple has sold 365 million digital devices. During the last quarter alone, 50 million iDevices found a home somewhere on the planet. In doing so, Apple makes $4 billion per month and has amassed nearly $110 billion in cash. What's Apple's secret?

Bryan M. Wolfe
AppAdvice’s Week In Review

AppAdvice’s Week In Review

What do the wild wild west, Rush Limbaugh, and Liquidmetal have in common? They were all featured in some of the more interesting iOS stories in the last week. Enjoy!

Bryan M. Wolfe