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Sean Capelle

Sean Capelle

App reviewer, Apple geek, father of three, bass guitarist, wombat tamer: one of these things is made up, but the rest do a pretty good job of describing Sean.
Latest from Sean
Bust Some Balls With Magic Orbz

Bust Some Balls With Magic Orbz

This game combines Breakout with pinball and also adds a dash of Angry Birds carnage. This is a title that originated on the PlayStation Network and was ported to iOS.

Sean Capelle
Will You Like Instagram Merging With Facebook?

Will You Like Instagram Merging With Facebook?

Back in April, when Facebook bought Instagram at $1 billion dollars (insert Dr. Evil laugh here), no one was quite sure how the tiny photo sharing service would fit into Facebook. Fast forward to today, where we’re still not quite sure, but have a better idea.

Sean Capelle
License To Kill Found In Earn To Die

License To Kill Found In Earn To Die

You are a survivor in a post apocalyptic world and it’s your job to go on a road trip to meet up with another population of survivors. Go on a killing spree to eliminate any zombies standing in your way.

Sean Capelle
Save The Bad Guy From The Good Guys In Lich Defense

Save The Bad Guy From The Good Guys In Lich Defense

A royal wizard in charge of protecting the door of the Devil world realizes that it’s up to him to transform into a lich in order to eternally protect others from accessing the door. But the silly humans don’t realize this and want to not only get to the door, but destroy the lich in the process.

Sean Capelle
AppAdvice Jr: Finer Finger Painting Apps

Playing with finger paints is one of the hallmarks of being a kid. Of course, the hallmark of a parent is always needing to clean up after the finger painting. Luckily, there’s an app or two that can help lend a hand.

Sean Capelle
AppAdvice Jr: The Best Apps To Discuss Bullying

Unfortunately, it’s a cold and hard fact of life that the ignorance is a deeply entrenched aspect of the human condition. That doesn’t mean that you have to let your child doubt whether or not he or she wants to go to school each day

Sean Capelle