Apple took on Amazon in a bidding war for 'Top Gear' stars
Did Apple miss a trick letting Amazon pay millions for the "Top Gear" trio?
Did Apple miss a trick letting Amazon pay millions for the "Top Gear" trio?
Bucking the trend set by Netflix and Amazon Instant Video, the streaming service will release new episodes weekly.
Enjoy videos in HD, use your mobile data plan, and more with the Amazon Instant Video update.
“Prime Now is powered by Amazon’s growing network of fulfillment centers that utilize high-end technology to speed up order delivery times for customers."
Amazon has just released a small yet nonetheless notable update to Amazon Instant Video.
Amazon Instant Video for iOS has just received a major update.
Today’s AGF list includes a world clock, a hidden object game, and a side-scrolling shooter.
The best picture winner is now available to rent on various streaming platforms.
Amazon is now advertising its Prime Instant video service.
The first two original series from Amazon Studios begin airing later this month.
Previously, viewers had to keep the app up and running while streaming video to an Apple TV.
Amazon Instant Video has finally been updated with full AirPlay support.
In a recent consumer satisfaction survey, iTunes proved to be the most popular video streaming service in the United States.
Original programs on Netflix have been awarded with Emmy nominations.
Isn't it about time that the Amazon Instant Video app receives full AirPlay support?
We'll be seeing more of the computer geeks from Amazon's half-hour comedy pilot "Betas," as it goes to series.
The box will reportedly be unveiled this fall and offer access to Amazon's Prime Instant Video service and other paid offerings.
Amazon's eighth comedy pilot is about geeks in Silicon Valley.
Netflix proves yet again that iOS devices are ever popular.
Apple should stop censuring legal content in the App Store.
Amazon is adding more free video content to the company's Prime membership plan.
AppAdvice presents the Top 10 free iPad apps of the year. Did your favorites make our list?
Amazon Instant Video app goes universal; now available on the iPhone/iPod touch too.
Amazon launches a $7.99 monthly subscription for their Prime service.