Battle And Dash Through Gotham And Gorilla City In Batman & The Flash: Hero Run
Batman & The Flash: Hero Run is a free-to-play game that combines elements of endless running and card battle games.
Batman & The Flash: Hero Run is a free-to-play game that combines elements of endless running and card battle games.
The popular PC game Prime World: Defenders has finally arrived on iOS.
At long last, Crytek's The Collectables has gone global.
There's a new card battle game on the App Store and it's called Dungeons of Evilibrium.
The mutant lab rats of Laboratz have begun infesting iOS with the release of the popular Facebook game in the App Store.
Do you like playing card battle or lane defense games and also happen to like working with numbers?
Tired of Rovio's "pre hysterical" The Croods? Then try the newly released iOS game Caveman Wars from Advanced Mobile Applications.
Card Wars is a card battle game that lets you play as Finn, Jake, and the rest of the gang from the Land of Ooo.
Square Enix has just let loose hordes of zombies, aka "Deadmen," with the release of its brand new game, Deadman's Cross.
MyNBA2K14 has just received an update, its first for 2014.
Transformers Legends has just transformed, as it were, into version 2.0.
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The force is strong with this yet another game from Disney that's based on the universally popular Star Wars franchise.
An uncanny card battle game has just emerged in the App Store. And it's none other than X-Men: Battle of the Atom.
In Lara Croft: Reflections, you play as the titular archeologist-adventuress as she fight enemies and scours mysterious worlds in search of valuable artifacts.
Magic 2014 - Duels of the Planeswalkers has just received another content update.
There's a new trailer for Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolves.
Injustice: Gods Among Us has just been updated with new playable skins and repeatable challenges.
Magic 2014's first expansions adds five new playable decks and other enhancements.
Magic 2014 is set to conjure its first expansion later this month.
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf is a new card battle game being developed by Hero Craft under license of Games Workshop.
Transformers Legends has just been significant transformed with the arrival of its first massive content update.
Gree has just announced that it's developing a mobile game in collaboration with Marvel.