Never lose a voicemail - save and store them on your Mac
Save and store all of your voicemails and messages to your Mac. Find out how on today's show.
Save and store all of your voicemails and messages to your Mac. Find out how on today's show.
Apple has some advice for users who've encountered the infamous iOS text bug.
This latest iOS bug could render your Messages application useless.
Our personal computers think they’re being smart and helpful by providing automated suggestions for what we should say. But are they?
This new package adds an iOS 8-inspired "quick reply" interface to iOS 7.
Apple's iOS 8 beta 2 also makes a useful change to how images can be embedded within message threads.
Apple's Messages app is getting a lot of new features in iOS 8.
Apple has made a bunch of improvements to the iOS 8 Messages app.
Hate read receipts on iOS? Then download this new jailbreak tweak.
Apple's latest significant patent application could help users avoid mis-messaging on their iPhone.
Auki has received an update to version 1.2, and four new features have been added to the jailbreak tweak.
Auki is a new jailbreak tweak that adds a number of useful features to the built-in Messages app.
Dated is a new jailbreak tweak that adds customization options for the Messages app's timestamps.
ReadReceiptFS can add a useful toggle for read receipts to Apple's iOS.
Looking for a Messages app replacement? Check out biteSMS 8.0.
This recently updated jailbreak tweak allows users to easily rename group messages.
Remote Messages offers a Messages app-like experience for Windows and Linux users.
SMS Stats 2 brings detailed messaging information to the Messages app.
Good news iPhone 5s users: biteSMS has been updated for the A7 processor.
This new jailbreak tweak allows iDevice users to customize the look of their Messages app.
The popular biteSMS is set to get an iOS 7 makeover in the coming days.
Today's AppAdvice Daily is packed with iOS 7 tips and tricks, plus a giveaway parents and kids will love.
Should jailbreakers really hold off on updating to iOS 7 until a jailbreak solution becomes available?