Whether You Celebrate Christmas Or Hanukkah, Polymer Is For Ya
A new Polymer update is always a cause for celebration. And the latest one is actually issued in celebration of the holiday season.
A new Polymer update is always a cause for celebration. And the latest one is actually issued in celebration of the holiday season.
Help the king get his airships to safety in this entertaining puzzle game.
Help Pettson with his crazy inventions in this cute puzzle game for the iPhone and iPad.
Travel to exotic locations and play challenging board games in this entertaining puzzle adventure for the iPhone and iPad.
Choose between freedom and money in this cerebral puzzle game for the iPhone or iPad.
Solve complex puzzles on a futuristic board in this challenging game.
AppAdvice has teamed up with Local Aliens in order to offer you a chance to win one of six promo codes for Arrows XD for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch.
FDG Entertainment announces the next great game to be hitting the App Store soon.
In the upcoming v2.0, Blueprint 3D will feature a unique level creator, Halloween level pack, and iCloud integration.
AppAdvice has teamed up with OakGames in order to offer you a chance to win one of four promo codes for for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch.
Help the king protect his strange kingdom in this interesting puzzle game.
It has been a year since Where's My Water? hit the App Store, and the game has been a huge success. To celebrate the occasion, Disney is sharing some behind-the-scenes details as well as showering Swampy and fans with gifts.
The App Store certainly has enough physics-based puzzle games, but that's not stopping developers from tossing them out like flyers. Today, it's Chillingo hoping to win you over with their recently published puzzle game, Crafty Creatures.
Puzzles come in all shapes and sizes, most of which can be found and enjoyed on your iPhone. We’ve compiled a list of some of the best of each “genre” of puzzle game, so that every puzzle lover will find a favorite.
See how many puzzles you can solve in this spatial reasoning game.
Space Holiday combines both line drawing and puzzle solving with a space-themed adventure.
Physics-based puzzle games are certainly popular, but it's because they satisfy both intellectual and entertainment cravings. In the case of AG Games' new puzzler, Implode 3D, we get to feed our desire of destruction.
Puzzlejuice, easily one of the best games in the entire App Store, has recently received another update.
Help a brash robot rescue his miniature friends in this casual puzzle game.
AppAdvice has teamed up with Double Jungle to give away five copies of Gua-Le-Ni. Enter now for your chance to win.
The upcoming iOS title Slingshot Junkyard sounds like a fun way to relieve some stress after a long day of work.
Nuage Touch is at it again! This time, it's a fast and frantic puzzler that will keep you entertained for hours.
The unique puzzle game Bag It! has just bagged a brand new game mode.