Antennagate Lawsuit Now Paying Out: iPhone 4 Owners Receive Settlement Checks
Settlement checks of $15 have started reaching qualifying iPhone 4 owners, following the conclusion of the "antennagate" class action lawsuit.
Settlement checks of $15 have started reaching qualifying iPhone 4 owners, following the conclusion of the "antennagate" class action lawsuit.
The U.S. has awarded Apple the patent for the "Antennagate" design that came with the iPhone 4.
Apple launches new (PRODUCT) RED iPhone bumper.
As part of the Antennagate settlement, customers who purchased the iPhone 4 can choose between a $15 check or a free bumper case.
Last year, Apple’s PR machine went into overdrive when it had to deal with the iPhone 4 “death grip,” later known as “Antennagate." Today, we’re happy to report this issue has apparently been resolved for good, at least on the iPhone 4S.
Long criticized for being too expensive, Apple’s line of Bumper cases for the iPhone 5 will likely be discontinued ahead of the iPhone 5 launch. This news, which isn't surprising seems to close the book on one of Apple's most controversial products, according to 9 To 5 Mac.
Some iPad 2s are exhibiting antenna problems, but design is probably not to be blamed this time around.
Apple was very clear when the story about the iPhone 4's abnormally sensitive antenna came out this summer; it's an industry-wide problem, which can't be fixed.
Apple might have another iPhone 4 problem on its hands. According to one report, welcome to "Glassgate." Read more...
Apple's Case Program is set to end on September 30. Current iPhone 4 owners can still order a case through the program's iPhone app up until this date. Prospective iPhone owners can rest assured in the knowledge that free bumpers will still be available past September 30. All you'll have to do is speak with an AppleCare representative. Read on to find out more...
iOS 4.1 brings Field Test mode back to our iPhone handsets. Read on to find out how you can activate it...
Could tomorrow's special event herald the release of a new iPhone 4? Read on to find out more...
If you've encountered the iPhone 4 proximity issue, then we've got some bad news: According to a recent report, an Apple spokesperson has stated that iOS 4.1 will not fix the problem. Read on to find out more...
Qualcomm, a leading manufacturer of CDMA radio chips like those used in Verizon's Android offerings, is now looking for an iPhone developer.
While almost every company on the planet would go nuts if they had a customer satisfaction rating anywhere near 93%, it's actually the sign of an issue for Apple. New satisfaction statistics are out, and some of the numbers may be quite surprising.
Officially, as far as Apple is concerned, there is no such thing as Antennagate. It might not be quite the same story internally. Indeed, The New York Times reports that Mark Papermaster, Apple's SVP of devices hardware engineering, is no longer part of the Apple family. A fact Apple has now confirmed to be true.
Apple has just modified its antenna page, removing the demo videos that had upset so many rival companies. Read on to find out more...
Motorola has taken another bite out of the Apple with a recently published full page ad, which directly attacks the iPhone 4, and Apple's Case Program. Read to find out what the RAZR-toting fools had to say.
If you've ordered a free case through Apple's Case Program, be sure to keep an eye on your inbox - you might just find an email stating your delivery date is quite a bit earlier than expected!
Many have said that Steve Jobs was far too arrogant when discussing reception issues at the recent Apple press conference. Now, the folks at College Humor have come up with their own version of the conference which takes arrogance to the next level.
A bit of bad news hit home today as many users of Apple's Case Program app received emails stating that their free treat wouldn't reach them until September. Read on to find out more, and be sure to tell us your wacky delivery dates in the comments box!
Apple has added yet another handset to its "antenna issue" Hall of Fame - the latest being the Motorola Droid X. Read on to find out more.
If you purchased your Bumper from Apple.com, you'll be glad (or disappointed) to find that Apple has now begun automatically issuing refunds. Indeed, an increasing number of users are reporting they have received the above email from Apple today.
Following their intense efforts to get noticed by Apple, Nokia has finally been acknowledged as a smartphone maker and has been featured on Apple's special death grip portal.